
This page is to capture notes on design questions that have surfaced.

Garden space. How can gardening (flowers, food, herbs, trees) be included for residents? Given the high land price/sqft how can garden space be provided in ways that are affordable? (see this discussion)

Stormwater Retention. Typically this is accomplished by dedicating land to creating a stormwater retention area. How can this be accomplished given the high cost of the land per sq ft?
The draft (12/2010) Design Guidelines say:
9.A.1: To the greatest extent possible all developments within the DRO area should utilize best management practices to capture, detain, reuse, treat and otherwise control and reduce stormwater runoff from the development site. Such management plans should include items such as pervious pavement materials, bioswales, green roofs, rainwater harvesting, and other such practices. 
9.A.2: All developments within the DRO area should integrate low impact stormwater management practices in addition to meeting all other stormwater requirements and provisions of Moscow City Code.

Fire Access on the creek side and along the old Main St view shed. The overlay zone anticipates 'build to lot line.' How can fire access to these sides of site be provided? (see first site study)
  • On the Main St View Shed, it would be necessary to provide a path for emergency vehicles, perhaps all the way from Jackson St.
  • On the creek side, the neighbor is UI. There appears to be width for a promenade (if UI provided an easement), but it would need to be designed to provide fire access.
Flood zone and storm water system capacity. Initial information is promising, see this post.